Month: March 2019

Am I Responsible for My Friend’s Salvation?

I remember the moment l entered a relationship with Jesus as though it were yesterday.

It happened 10 years ago, on a chilly January evening. My friend Hannah led me in prayer and confession while we were seated in her car, parked outside a supermarket.

Is It Possible To Have All That Knowledge And Still Lack Wisdom?

In today’s world, we have practically unlimited access to information. The answer to any question is just a Google search away. But is it possible to have all that knowledge and still lack wisdom? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs discuss the value of applying God’s wisdom to our lives. […]

Remembering My Father

When I remember my dad, I picture him best outdoors hammering or gardening or downstairs working in his cluttered workroom, stuffed with fascinating tools and gadgets. His hands were always busy at a task or project—sometimes building (a garage or a deck or a birdhouse), sometimes locksmithing, and sometimes designing jewelry and stained-glass art.

Remembering my dad prompts me to think of my heavenly Father and Creator, who has always been busy at work. In the beginning, “[God] laid the earth’s foundations . . . [and] marked off its dimensions . . . while the morning stars sang together and all…

Iran in the Bible: The Forgotten Story (DVD)

Modern-day Iran was for centuries known as Persia. Recorded in the pages of the Bible are prophecies and accounts of Persian kings, heroic battles and royal proclamations that changed the world. This intriguing documentary brings to light the story of one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen, showing how God used both Persia and the Jewish people…

New Testament Basics (CD)

The New Testament is clear that Jesus Christ came into the world to save us and to give us a quality of life that would be absolutely impossible otherwise. How does this good news affect you? What will you do with this amazing gift that God offers you through Jesus Christ? These 10 lessons, (each under 20 minutes) give an…

Using Your Words For Good

Words are some of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. We can use them either to build people up or tear them down. Today on Discover the Word, our team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs consider Proverbs 16:24, in which Solomon implores us to speak graciously, and use our words to build. […]

Fluff and Other Stuff

Winnie the Pooh famously said, “If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”

I’ve learned over the years that Winnie might be on to something. When someone won’t listen to you even though following your counsel would be to their advantage, it may be that their reticence is nothing more than a small piece of fluff in their ear. Or there may be another hindrance: Some folks find it hard to listen well because they are broken and discouraged.

Moses said…

3 Signs Your Emotions Are Ruling Your Life

It took everything in me not to text back. I turned my phone off in vehement protest. I would not let my emotions get the best of me. I would not be that person who was reckless with their words.

Inviting God Into Our Daily Plans

Do you sometimes write up a plan or schedule for how you expect your day to go? Does your day always play out that way? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs urge us to invite God into our plans and allow Him to guide our steps. Join the group […]

Where Our Love Story Went Wrong

“What do you find the greatest joy in?”

I paused, thinking about what puts a smile on my face, what keeps me going every day, and what gives me the most happiness.

“I suppose I find the greatest joy . . . in you,” I said softly.

“Me too.”

The Blessing Is Coming

A friend and I went for a walk with her grandkids. While pushing the stroller, she commented that her steps were being wasted—they weren’t being counted on the activity tracker she wore on her wrist because she wasn’t swinging her arm. I reminded her that those steps were still helping her physical health. “Yeah,” she laughed. “But I really want that electronic gold star!”

I understand how she feels! Working toward something without immediate results is disheartening. But rewards aren’t always immediate or immediately visible.

When that’s the case, it’s easy to feel that the good things we do are useless, even…

Singing in the Spirit

During the Welsh Revivals of the early 20th century, Bible teacher and author G. Campbell Morgan described what he observed. He believed the presence of God’s Holy Spirit was moving on “billowing waves of sacred song.” Morgan wrote that he had seen the unifying influence of music in meetings that encouraged voluntary prayers, confession, and spontaneous singing. If someone got carried away by their feelings and prayed too long, or spoke in a way that didn’t resonate with others, someone would begin to softly sing. Others would gently join in, the chorus swelling in volume until drowning out all other…

Obscured by Clouds

A rare super moon appeared in November 2016—the moon in its orbit reached its closest point to the earth in over sixty years and so appeared bigger and brighter than at other times. But for me that day the skies were shrouded in gray. Although I saw photos of this wonder from friends in other places, as I gazed upwards I had to trust that the super moon was lurking behind the clouds.

The apostle Paul urged the church at Corinth, in the face of their hardships, to believe what is unseen but will last forever. He said how their “momentary…

Help! My exams are stressing me out!

Exams are stressful! Our family piles on the pressure, our friends all seem to know what they’re doing and the extra classes after school just wear us out. Our future and the whole world seems to depend on whatever grades we get…! Yet in all the stress of our exams, the Bible has some really important and helpful exam tips…